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Ideally located in a 4-hectare palm grove, less than 10 minutes from Jemaa El Fna square, and a few minutes from the train station.
Marrakech stay: all comfort
During your stay Marrakech, the Hotel Marrakech Le Semiramis has many facilities that will make your accommodation unforgettable. Let’s mention its swimming pool, its particularly spacious rooms with refined bathrooms, all in a family and relaxing atmosphere. For the more athletic, you have unlimited access to the fitness room filled with very modern equipment. The Hotel Marrakech Le Semiramis also offers free access to the Beach volleyball courts, tennis courts and even a mini -foot
Seminar Marrakech
During a stay in Marrakech, for professional purposes The Semiramis is the perfect setting for holding different types of events such as Marrakech seminars, conferences or teambuildings.
L he hotel has many meeting rooms that are versatile and thus allow you to ideally meet different expectations thanks to a team of professionals completely dedicated to your needs.





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