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Find out why the Caverne d’Ali Baba is the hotel of choice for travelers visiting Essaouira. Offering great comfort and excellent value for money, it offers a romantic setting and a wide range of services designed for travelers like you.
Located near some of Essaouira’s most famous landmarks, such as Chaim Pinto Synagogue ( 0.3 km) and Mogador Christian Cemetery (0.4 km), Hotel Caverne D’ali Baba is a great destination for tourists.
The hotel offers a 24 hour front desk, ‘a souvenir shop and luggage storage.
If you like Asian restaurants, push the doors of Tokyo Bangkok, Les Délices de Zahra and Ruly’s which are all located not far from the Caverne d’Ali Baba.< br>Essaouira is also known for its famous art galleries, including Galerie la Kasbah, GALERIE D’ART DAMGAARD ​​and Galerie La Rochelle, which are not too far from Hotel Caverne D’ali Baba.
Le Caverne d’ Ali Baba makes your comfort and satisfaction a top priority. The property looks forward to welcoming you to Essaouira.





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