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Location. This Fes property is close to Royal Palace and Jewish Cemetery.
The Tghat establishment has a restaurant.
This Fes property is close to Royal Palace and Jewish Cemetery.
FeaturesTghat has a restaurant and a bar/lounge.
This property offers complimentary breakfast every morning.
Room service is available 24 hours a day.
Tghat has a fitness center and swimming pool.
The property staff offers dry cleaning and tour assistance.
Property includes 24-hour room service, concierge desk, and laundry facilities.
Rooms The rooms have air conditioning, a minibar and a TV.
Business services include direct dial telephone.
Bathrooms have the following amenities: shower/tub combination, hair dryer, and slippers.
Notifications: Additional fees and deposits may be charged by the property at time of service provided or check-in/check-out.





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