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cote voyages is a brand operating under the aegis of the company Agence de Loisirs Marocains ALM, a limited liability company with a capital of 3,000,000 DH whose head office is located at Résidence YASMINE, Boulevard Cheikh Rabhi, Camp El Ghoul, Appt N°14, 2nd floor, Guéliz, Marrakech RC number 5860 Patent number 45107896 license.
ALM has been able during more than 25 years of experience to consolidate its position as a pioneer agency for the promotion of Morocco as a destination and to acquire expertise in terms of advice, organization and management of trips for a workforce reaching 1000 people.
Through the travel brand, we want to offer you a simple and practical online booking concept. A selection of unique hotels chosen with the greatest care to allow you to enjoy unusual experiences and unforgettable moments.





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